max57 is supporting companies and organizations worldwide for many years in preparing for and conducting successful negotiations.
max57 GmbH
Negotiation Specalists
Fallmerayerstr. 25
80796 München
Mail: info(at)
Tel: +49 (0) 89 547813 71
Fax: +49 (0) 89 547813 72
Knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm are integral to the success of our training and consulting services.
We place great emphasis on transparency: in our training materials, we cite our sources and provide book recommendations for those who wish to delve deeper.
All members of our team have been successful entrepreneurs, specialists, and executives for many years – most for decades. We have firsthand knowledge of what matters in negotiations.
All of us at max57 continue to work in our respective fields and are involved with max57 primarily out of enthusiasm. It brings us joy to share our knowledge and experience with you. This enthusiasm is contagious and positively influences the success of our training and consulting services.
Negotiation skills and knowledge still too rarely taught in schools and universities. This is astonishing considering how crucial it is for our daily lives and professional success.
Facing a crucial negotiation? We prepare you specifically for it.
In our open and in-house seminars, we impart solid negotiation knowledge and skills.
We are happy to offer you a keynote, lecture, or workshop on negotiation-related topics for your event.
Abtei, Acision, Amadeus, Bayerischer Müllerbund, Bunge, Cisco, Computent, CTE Entwicklungen, Dana, EY, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, General Motors, Givaudan, GWB Essen, HorizonP, Independent Light, Indoconsult, Intergraph, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Marketing Consult, Mehrwert München, Meritor, NeoDesign, Opel, Perrigo, PharmaZell, Vauxhall, Viktor Reinz, Rotary, Shopmonauten, W.I.N., Yamaichi, Zonta …
A selection of previous clients of our team members.